
April, 26, 2021


緊急事態宣言発令中の都府県: 東京、大阪、京都、兵庫

まん延防止等重点措置中の県: 沖縄、愛媛、愛知、埼玉、神奈川、千葉、宮城、(三重)

With the latest Covid mutations and with the future success of Kajukenbo 岡山 in mind, we're setting a guideline to keep everyone safe and make other students feel safe as well: if you go to one of the prefectures listed below, please refrain from coming to class in person for two weeks after returning to Okayama. Of course, you can join via Zoom.

Prefectures under the current state of emergency: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo.

"Man En Boushi to Jyuten Sochi", or Prefectures strongly considering declaring a state of emergency: Okinawa, Ehime, Aichi, Saitama, Kanagawa, Chiba, Miyagi, (Mie)


Jan. 27, 2021: February schedule is up.


Jan 22, 2021: Our homepage has been updated. Stay tuned for news and announcements on this page!
