The Kajukenbo Philosophy, Books Available On Amazon
Look for our books, available here on Amazon.
Blood, Sweat, and Bone: The Kajukenbo Philosophy
Blood, Sweat, and Bone: The Kajukenbo Philosophy
The martial art of Kajukenbo first started coming together in 1947, but today there’s still no easy way to describe what it is. For some it’s the techniques, a mix of traditional and modern fighting. For others it’s the history: the good, the bad, and the ugly. And then for others it’s the attitude.
So what is that attitude? It can be summed up in Kajukenbo philosophy, a philosophy that impacts how you train, how you think, and how you heal. It impacts how you live, how you die, and how you fight. And in the end it impacts who you are, who you want to be, and who you become.
Find out what the Kajukenbo philosophy is, and explore the heart of what Kajukenbo is all about.
The Path: Book Two of the Kajukenbo Philosophy
The Path: Book Two of the Kajukenbo Philosophy
In “Blood, Sweat, and Bone," the philosophies that make Kajukenbo stand out were examined to answer the age-old question that Angelo Ferrer hates more than I hate Yanni’s music: “What is Kajukenbo?”
Once you’ve examined that question, the question changes. What is your goal? What does it mean to be a black belt, and what do you do next? If the belt is just a piece of cloth, when exactly do you pass that threshold, and what’s left to explore? Do you have to open a dojo? Do you have to teach? If you’re injured, do you stop training? What do you study next? And why the hell do so many people call themselves “Sifu” or “Sensei” on social media? Seriously. Stop it.
Those answers are found in the next rank. Red. And what exactly does that mean? Oi vey. Where do I start…
Those answers can be found on the Path.